There are many coding conventions, including those for industrial applications, those used as a condition of delivery, publicly available conventions, and those used within an organization. 代码编写约定的种类繁多,包括针对行业应用程序的约定、作为交付条件的约定、普遍适用的约定和在企业内部使用的约定。
The condition c.i.f.London does not alter the place of delivery, but only express the consigner ′ s liability to pay the charges for freight and insurance to London. 伦敦的价格条件没有改变货物发送地,而只表明发货人支付至伦敦的运费和保险费的责任。
Risk factors included the parental education modes, character, mood during pregnancy, levels of family income and the condition of delivery. 父母教育方式、性格、母孕期心情、家庭收入水平和分娩情况等是危险因素。
The general condition of delivery, family history of the pregnant women, feeding and development of infants were investigated. 并对孕妇家庭的一般情况及分娩、婴幼儿喂养和发育情况进行调查。
According to the practical condition of Shanxi electric network, this paper analyses the resume method of ( 220 kV) busbar at fault and discusses the relay protection coordination in sorts of circumstances, and puts forward the best program of current delivery of busbar resume. 结合山西电网实际情况,对220kV母线失电后的试送方案进行了详细分析,并针对试送电过程中不同情况下的继电保护的配合做了讨论,提出了母线试送电的最佳方案。
A sacrificial anode protection method was designed through analysis of the soil causticity and the corrosion condition of the steel delivery pipe network of 91043 navy unit. 通过对海军91043部队输油管线沿线土壤腐蚀性和管线腐蚀状况的分析,设计了牺牲阳极的阴极保护方法。
According to the condition of ERP, this paper integrates COM+ event service and queued components into an event model that has function of asynchronous transmission. It services well on message delivery and asynchronous transmission between anterior business and posterior business. 结合ERP系统实际情况,将COM+事件服务和排队组件相结合设计了一种具有异步传输功能的事件模型,有效地解决了上下游业务之间的消息传递及异步传输问题。
Time and condition of the ship when delivery; how to protect owner's benefit if damages occurred on the ship when redelivery. 交船的时间及交船时船舶应具备的状况,还船时出租人在遭遇船舶损坏时如何用还船状况条款和装卸损坏条款来保护自己的利益等。
The paper has four chapters: The first part mainly states the present condition of container and multimodal transport, the transport forms and delivery forms of cargo containerization. 论文第一章主要分析了集装箱多式联运的发展现状、货物集装箱化的运输方式和交付形式。
In order to solve water hammer problem of conduit under the condition of sudden stopping pump in water supply system of large discharge, high delivery lift and complex topography, this paper introduces the structure and wording principle of inside putting water-hammer suppressor. 为了解决大流量、高扬程、地形及管道条件复杂供水系统的停机水锤问题,文中介绍了管道内置式水锤清除器的结构和工作原理。
The cervical maturity ( Bishop scoring), condition of delivery, fetal and neonatal condition in two groups were studied. 比较两组孕妇宫颈Bishop评分、分娩情况以及对胎儿、新生儿的影响。
Application Condition of Pipeline for Delivery of Mother Liquor of Ammonium Sulfate 输送硫铵母液用管道的使用情况
The paper analyzes main factors on the effect of brake torque at zero delivery condition by use of the total model and stationary characteristics curves of Д O-7 diagonal flow pump-turbine. A formula is deduced for brake torque at zero delivery condition. 本文利用ДO-7型斜流式水泵水轮机的模型静态全特性曲线,分析了影响泵工况零流量制动力矩的主要因素,推导出了斜流式水泵水轮机泵工况零流量制动力矩的计算公式。
Under the condition of a constant delivery period of monopolist manufacturer, this paper studies the product price and profit problems, using linear demand function, before and after the vertical merger of monopolist manufacturer and monopolist retailer. 本文在垄断厂商供货周期确定的条件下,利用线性需求函数研究了垄断厂商与垄断销售商垂直兼并前后的产品价格和利润问题。
The formulation of legislation standard for express delivery industry should not only adhere to corresponding principles and purposes, but also fully take the present condition and characteristics of China's express delivery industry development into consideration, and avoid the conflict between it development and related legal regulation. 制定速递业立法规范,不仅要遵循一般法律规范所应遵循的立法原则与宗旨,还应充分考虑我国速递业发展的现状和特点,避免与相关法律规定相互冲突。
With the content and legal nature of the delivery condition of commercial residential building confirmed, the real estate developer who delivers houses for use with the delivery conditions unmatched, is conclude to afford the responsibility of breaking the contract by late delivering. 在确定了商品房交付条件的内容和法律性质的基础上,得出开发商不具备交付条件交房应承担逾期交房违约责任。
The analysis and simulation results indicate that this algorithm can reduce normalized routing overhead and improve packet delivery ratio at the condition of guaranteeing certain average end-to-end packet delivery latency. 分析与仿真结果表明:采用该算法后,可以在保证一定的平均传输延迟的前提下有效降低归一化路由开销,提高分组投递率。